Friday, May 24, 2013

Just for Fun

Most of you know me well enough to know that no matter what the situation I always find a way to laugh and have fun.  This time in my life is no different, so I thought I would share a couple of funny things that have happened during our stay.

Heavy Recruiting

The cardiologist Dr. Vanbergen, has been trying very hard to recruit me to be part of the Advocate Pediatric Team! He has mentioned I'm an OT to literally ALL the staff he has come in contact with! Every time a new person came in to the room they said, "So I hear your an OT! You should talk to the rehab manager."  This went on all day every day until finally the speech therapist physically brought her manager to the room to talk to me. We finally agreed that I will at least build my resume in the Advocate system. I think Oak Lawn is a little far to go to work every day, but I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, so who knows what may come of it.

The Not-So-Revolving, Revolving Door

The entrance to Hope Children's Hospital is a very nice big blue awning and very welcoming to children (and adults too). In the center if the entrance there is a huge automated revolving door complete with giant stuffed giraffes. Bridgette and I have come to the conclusion that there is a hidden camera show secretly taping our entrances and exits from the building. Why do we think this? Probably because more times than not when we walk up to the door that is usually already in motion, it comes to a complete stop. Then as we decide we should use the manual door on the side, it starts up again. So we decide to go in the revolving door.  It keeps moving long enough to seal off both exits and comes to a complete stop! Yes, there we are....trapped....the stuffed giraffes staring us down. Multiple staff walk by but nobody seems to notice the two full grown adults in the giraffe cage! Fortunately this is a busy hospital and more people approach the not-so-revolving, revolving door long enough for it open up so we can walk out. This has not been a one time occurrence! You would think after it happened once we would have learned our lesson but no, surely it won't happen again right?!  Wrong, this happened at least twice.  The door also revolves to a closed position so that we can't even get in! I guess we will see what happens when we try to leave today.  If you don't hear from us, someone check with the giraffes!

The Hellivator

Kevin has been coming to visit us at the hotel almost every day. We've been staying on the 5th floor which means we take an elevator multiple times a day.  Kevin loves to push the call button and of course ride in the elevator. We have an elevator in our building at home so this was not new to him.  We have heard him say the word elevator many times and he always said it correctly.  Yesterday, as we were waiting for the elevator, he referred to it as the "Hellivator". We laughed it off and stepped in, pressed the lobby button and the doors closed. We rode down to the lobby and the doors opened...briefly...then closed again. We tried pressing the door open button, the lobby button, any other floor button, nothing worked! It was only a few seconds but a little panic started when all of a sudden the elevator started going up. I was able to press our floor and when the elevator got to floor five, it slowed down, then kept going. . . and going...we got to around the 10th floor and I began pressing all the remaining floors. Finally the Hellivator stopped on the 11th floor and the doors opened. This time I jumped out and stood so the doors couldn't close ( or at least I was hoping they wouldn't) and told everyone to get off. We waited patiently for the other elevator and it took us uneventfully down to the lobby. I informed the front desk and with a slight hint of "this man is crazy" the woman called maintenance. I don't think they did anything to fix it though because later that night my trip down to the 4th floor to get ice, included a stop on the 12th floor and the Executive Lounge!  I'm not sure what Kevin knew that we didn't but I know I'm listening closer to what my 2 year old has to say from now on.

1 comment:

  1. Well it sure sound like there is more happening to you guys, so that even for a few minutes you can laugh about stupid stuff. I too would listen to Kevin because you know that kids have a "sense" about things we adults don't. LOL Glad Kyleigh is doing well. Love to you guys.
